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Scott the Super Saiyan?

I have written about this for much of the past year -  What now?  Where do I go in my running/racing "career"?  I certainly enjoy the feeling of getting out for a run.  But, I didn't grow up running.  It's not something that I always did "for the loveof running."  Rather, I started running because I had to.  I've written before about how I had to start running after I nearly failed an Air Force PT test early in my career.  After that, running became my replacement for my first "physical fitness love" - martial arts.  In martial arts, there was a road map for me.  Learn these techniques proficiently and earn a belt.  Running, in a way, became like that.  Do these workouts at this speed/effort and be able to finish in these times.  I grew to love it, but didn't start that way.  That's why people like Anne never quite understood the serious approach I took to racing.  It was my own twisted version of fun, not the fantastic smiley runs that she and Ceci so often display.
Along the way I set tough but doable goals for myself.
 And, I've checked them off:
sub 10 minute 1.5 mile: 9:53 (AF PT test but I did it during an IAAP training session) in October 2017

21 minute 5k: 21:08
at Shannon Pink Ribbon Run in October 2016

sub 45 minute 10k: 44:34 at the Bunny Run in March 2017

sub 1:45 half marathon: 1:42:49 in December 2016
so serious pre race

and sub 4 marathon:
3:58:18 in February 2018
Not blazing fast by any means, but good enough for me.  Then came the letdown.  Throughout 2018 I struggled with motivation.  There are only a handful of places to safely get a long run here in town, even fewer that I thoroughly enjoy.  It's been rare that anyone was working towards the same race as me (although I could have trained for Houston 2019 with a good group), and it became harder to drag myself out of bed early in the mornings for a solo long run.  My original reason for starting to run had been sated.
I had have had conversations with friends and family members about my flagging motivation to run.  Really, I got some good ideas from them.  I will probably never be faster.  Shaving seconds, or even a few minutes off those PRs does not hold the same luster now that my major goals have been completed.  Winning medals in local races is not a huge motivation for me anymore either. So, why not just enjoy it?
I enjoy group runs.  I even enjoy hard training (blowout runs as I call them).  And, I enjoy helping others improve their running.  I don't dread the actual act of running, so there's got to be something positive here, right?  My friend Cody does several trail ultras throughout the year, largely "winging it."  He goes for several runs a week, but it's whatever/whenever/wherever he feels like.  The point for him now is to challenge himself and have fun.  No, his times aren't the fastest, but he finishes with a smile on his face.
My brother Scott has come up with a tiered goal system for himself.  His performances in varying exercises like 3 mile run, squat, and bench get him to varying "levels" that he has set for himself.  I kind of like his thinking.  I have had a very limited focus for the last several years because I was only trying to drop weight and get faster.
So, let's have fun.  Since the beginning of the year, my other brother, Andy, has had me on a heavy lifting program with some running and other cardio mixed in.  It's been fun and Mila's been my main training partner.

I've been told my hands were too wide.  Brought them closer the next time and it was a lot easier
this thing is evil
I call her Monster Mila.  here she is squatting 135 lbs  x 5, her one rep max was 130 just a few weeks earlier
Can't forget my weekly fun runs.
Tuesday night trail run w/SARL (photo credit: Jammie Preiser)

post Friday night run (photo credit: Dennis Hall)

I'm even going to run occasional races.  I signed up for the Crazy Desert 1/2 marathon while writing this blog.
shortly after the 3M half in Austin on January 20th 
The running will be about fun, some of the other exercises will likely seeing what I can do.  I doubt I'll be benching 300, but who knows what I can get.
Come on out and enjoy some of our fun runs!
I'll be writing our trail series finale next.  Catch up on parts 1 and 2 and good luck!


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