Well, the 2018 Shannon Trail Series is in the books and I'd say it was succesful. I mean, I'm biased and all, but it was a bigger turnout than I'd expected. The races averaged 40 more runners than last year. I'm not exactly sure why there were more people this year, but I'll take it. I posted a recap/preview
blog a couple weeks ago and the response has blown me away. It's at 700+ views. My second most widely read post doesn't even have half that amount. There ended up being some problems come award presentation time, but I'll get into that later.
We had a bit of adversity to deal with from the get. It was raining, so James wasn't willing to set up his expensive sound system. Can't say that I blame him. After meeting him at HEB and the Preisers at Chick Fil A, we got to the park a little after 6 am. As we were driving to the trailhead, we saw a couple bunnies, deer, and Ross hurrying somewhere while towing the SARL trailer. Not a good sign.
We got to the trailhead to find Mike alone with a table full of stuff. Turns out Ross left the trailer key at home. The trailer with 90% of the stuff for the race. THAT'S why he was going to the other way.
It was a bit chilly, mid 40s, and we were bundled up while trying to figure out what we could do while waitining for the trailer. Luckily, Mike had left us a couple of lamps and I brought a pair of headlamps. Ross arrived quicker than we assumed and the volunteers from Texas Challenge Academy, a militaristic school for at-risk teens. It was great to have about a dozen energetic teenaged boys running around, helping out where needed.
A few of the TCA kids warming up for the 15K |
Since Mila could not be roused from hibernation, Jammie was nice enough to bring her camera and take pictures. All of these photos are courtesy of her.
She may have been a little biased as to who she snapped pics of though |
standing around waiting for the trailer |

We got Jon and James set up at the registration table, Alan at the food table, and Dennis and I ran around "plugging holes" as well as we could. There was a bit of a snafu with the shirts, but it got figured out.
practice |
dancing? |
"you start over there" |
Daniela signing up SARL members and selling last year's shirts |
Jammie also went around snapping some pics of people pre-race. She took something like 360 pics in total, but I'm not going to put them all on here. You can check them out on the
photos tab of the SARL website or the
Facebook group.
I'll call them "The Flying Rodriguez Sibs" |
BTS RWB pic |
There's the "official" RWB pic. Not sure where I was |
Since we got set up a little late and the shirts got mixed up, we got started a few minutes late. Mike did the race brief while the board got our annual picture.
Yes, even Balde was there! |
The 15K started first. I'd run a majority of the course on Tuesday, but that was at night and things are always different in the light. Jammie got a few pics of the course before we headed out and then the start as well.
Burkett Trailhead, our starting point |
Kathy and Russ starting the 15K |
About 3/4 of a mile in, I realized that my shoe was untied. Ugh. I stepped to the side and quickly got passed up by seven people. I found myself in the back of a conga line of about 12 people. We stuck together for well over a mile, all keeping around a mid-8 minute mile pace. Because of the
"funk" that I have been in, I decided to not worry so much about pace. I decided to run this race on heart rate. I'm working on how best to run trail races and this is the solution I've come up with, for now at least. I figure that during a 15k, I should keep my heart rate between 175 and 180. That, and the fact that I inevitably tripped, means I fell off the back of the conga line.
I was able to run pretty well throughout the race. Many of the miles were mid-8 but there were some climbs that slowed me down to 9s. What made me happy was the fact that the only walking I did was at the top of a couple of the hills after my heart rate hit 190. Not too bad, I guess. It was what I was going for, after all.
Jammie grabbed pics of the 5k runners close to the finish while we were out on the course still.
Jammie said she had to hurry to catch him, he caught him off guard by being so quick |
Alex held this guy off for a 2nd place finish |
little guy did awesome |
All in all, I'm fairly pleased with my run. I even picked up 5 or 6 places over the second half. One spot I didn't pick up was Matt Lindsey. He scared the crap out of me maybe 5-6 miles in by suddenly appearing off my left shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I wasn't exactly ready for "roller coaster" as the hills definitely took their toll.
fashion statement? |
little dude flew past me fairly early after the cadets broke free |
Shannon and her kids hiking |
Justin with the strong finish |
I finished in 1:26:24. Kent was good enough to make the course only 15.5K this year, so my average mile was 8:57. Like I said, it was OK. I ran hard, but didn't peter out too much. I don't think I could've run much harder, as evidenced by how beat up my body was feeling the day after.
After it was all said and done, then came the awards. That's where there was a bit of a mixup. I don't know if it was me misunderstanding what Mike had planned, misremembering what happened last year, or maybe Mike just changed his mind. In my review/preview blog I wrote that the top 3 overall would be taken out of their age groups for a "Top 3" place. This would open up a couple other medal slots. That did not happen. Only the top male and female in each series were winners, pushing second and third overall back into their age groups.
For the races themselves - the top 3 in the 5k were Adrian Rodriguez, Jose Madera, and Matt Garcia for the men and Alex Rodriguez, Carmen Vasquez, and Deloras Shubert for the ladies. In the 15K, Ryan Ruh won, followed by Mars Torres (again) and Roman Rocha for the men and Sam King, Apolynne McCarthy, and Jen Negley for the women.
For the series, the 5K winners. were Adrian and Alexandra Rodriguez. They were also 1st and 2nd overall, Adrian having 4 (1-2-1) points and Alex 9 (2-5-2). The long series winners were Ryan Ruh (2-2-1) and Sam King (6-4-6)
For sure be more cheerful Dennis |
Overall series winners |
Lyla Bancroft was, I think, the only 15 and under female in the short course series. It was great to see her out there running with the adults and cheering on her dad Justin. The boys' division was tight as Jamison Jurado was followed by three Whites, Luke, Ben, and Jackson. Jackson was the odd man out just 3 points back of his brother Ben.
Taking Alex and Adrian out of the divisions opened up the male and female 15-29 groups. For the women it was Stephanie Starnes winning, then Vanessa Rodriguez and Jennifer Agee at #3. For the men it was Augustine Mendoza with the gold, followed by Jacob Hogeda and Ketan Kumar. Jacob was in 4th after the 2nd race but jumped up 2 spots in the last race.
Jennifer Rodriguez won the female 30-39 division followed by Kristi and Elizabeth Cook. For the men, Jose Madera was the 2nd place overall male and won this group, followed by Jann Jann Jurado and Cody Guins. The women's 40-49 division was probably the closest of all. Tiffanie Cutrer won with 102 points. Carmen Vasquez was right behind her, jumping from 5th after the 2nd race, with 104 points. Sophia Flores was in 3rd with 119 points. Just beind her in 4th place was Melanie Baucom with 129 points. For the men, Matt Garcia won, followed by Bob Biggers. Marcus Smith jumped from 6th to 3rd during the last race.
Deloras Shubert, the 2nd place overall female, won the 50-59 division with Lorie Heath in 2nd and Robin Buck in 3rd. Tuesday night regular Scott Burrow won the 50-59 male division, coming up from 3rd. Wendell Baucom and Dennis Hayes both also moved up two spots each to 2nd and 3rd.
In the final group, Pam Holubec and Virginia Adams did all three races together. On the men's side, Wendell Wheaton took the win with Jerry Roach and Michael Salem behind him. Bill Cullins was in 4th place by only 1 point!
We only had 1 person under 15 run the long course series, Ariel Schmidt. The women's 15-29 division kept their placing the entire series, Reagan Brown 1st, Elise Mitchell 2nd, and Rocio Cruz in 3rd. On the men's side, Taylor Harrison and Carlos Cruz did the same but Will Slauson moved from 6th to 3rd on the last race.
The best age group was 30-39, obviously. Keerthana Karumbaiah was able to move from 4th to 3rd in the last race while Apolynne McCarthy and Melissa Rocha held on to their #1 and #2 spots. The men's division had 16 runners, nearly 1/4 of all racers. The division finished as we were after the last race with Brian Trainer winning, Dennis Hall coming in 2nd, and Cary Johansen coming in 3rd. He actually widened his margin on me as I came in 4th. My 58 points were good for 11th among all racers, and I would have placed in any division except for the one I'm actually in. If only I can maintain my speed another 6 years.
aww, getting the medal from his wife. |
The women's 40-49 division had some turmoil as previous leader, Lucia Hernandez, was unable to run the 3rd race due to illness. She fell to 3rd and Susanna McDole and Catherine Cuenca-Torres moved up to first and second. In the men's division, Mars Torres was the 2nd overall runner and Blake Snider and Luke Vosburg were only separated by 7 points for 2nd and 3rd.
The women's 50-59 division was consistent throughout the series and Lisa Warechowski, Susan Terry, and Kathy Walker (our course sweeper) went 1-2-3 the whole time. James Slauson won the 50-59 division and went back and forth with me all 3 races using his walk-run method. He was also very positive and encouraging out there. Brian Kulik took 2nd and 2017 SARL president George Orr finished 3rd.
We didn't get the 60+ ladies showdown that I was looking for as Dorothy Langdon didn't show. That left Blanca De La Rosa as the winner. (they had been tied on points coming into the race). Kent Fish won the men's side but Terry Shaner also had a very strong showing in 2nd. Mike Sparks earned himself a bronze medal.
And, that's it. It was definitely a learning experience and a lot of fun to help direct and run these races. I appreciate all the runners that came out and the volunteers that came out. Dan Cramer was out there at all 3 races and he helped whipped us all into shape at the registration table. Cliff and Daniela de la Cerda were also out there helping out, making coffee, and supplying music. Even if it's not exactly what I'd normally pick. (Candy Shop?) Jammie Preiser provided the pictures for this blog and the ones that are on the SARL site. Ally Roebuck, even though she injured herself on the 1st race, came to the other races and helped out. I even got my jefa, a few co-workers, and a couple of my students to help out. Here's hoping the 2019 series goes just as well.
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