No, we didn't have anyone named Carl on the team. Nor are we a team made up of solely men. To be honest, I'm not sure where the team name came from. But, that's who we were, Carl and the Boyz. I've been wanting to do a crazy long relay like this for a while now. My brother, cousin, and uncle did Hood to Coast in 2008 and, even before I started running, it sounded amazing. I like running (obviously) but this race seemed to hearken back to a childish sense of adventure. Not only an adventure, but people to enjoy it with. If I'm feeling weak, I have other people to bring me back up. Also, I weirdly like planning things. The logistics of getting people to run over a hundred miles together seems like an interesting challenge. I tried to get a team together for the Gulf Coast Interstate Relay (which no longer exists) a few years back but that fell through, costing me a few hundred dollars. I have also now done four Beach to Ba...