So, we don't have that many roses here in San Angelo and I never have wanted to get close enough to smell a cactus. What I mean though, is sometimes runs are for something other than working out. I have talked about running in the morning for the views (
Running the sun up), not taking your training so seriously that you miss out on good times with friends (
You'll never get out alive), and I've broken down how I'm training (
Training update). Sometimes, however, it's just good to get out there. I think that the best example of that is our local San Angelo Road Lizard Tuesday night runs. If you're showing up looking to get in a fast, hard run, you're in the wrong spot. Typically on Tuesday nights we go to a local park, Middle Concho Park, and wander around the trails. And, when I say wander, I mean, we'll sometimes get to a high point and try to figure out where we are in respect to visible landmarks. Some of the more experienced area runners have a fairly decent idea of where we're at and where we're going. I'm not one of those people. However, it is a lot of fun. We rarely get going faster than a 9 minute pace and there are plenty of stops. Part of this is to make sure that the group stays together, but another part is just to stop, talk, and evaluate (sometimes try and figure out) our position. At the end of the run, you'll often find a cold beer flying at your face as Kent digs through his cooler and cookies and candies of dubious age and origin coming out of the crevices of his car.
I think this type of run is important. From a purely training standpoint, you're getting time on your feet. But, that's not the most important aspect of this run. It is for fun. It helps you remember why you're running. We obviously all have our own personal reasons for running, but most touch on "fun." What's more fun that good conversations with friends
Photo Credit goes to Wilma |
checking out scenic areas
OK, so this shot is from a trail run I did in San Antonio, but I don't often have a camera on me while running |
(rest of these scenic shots are from Wilma's Facebook)
and even seeing things from a new perspective
Hey, I found our house! (in San Antonio)
I love getting out on the trails for these reasons. It's rarely ever about the finishing time. It's almost always about the fun you're having. How many of you are trail runners? If you aren't, why not? Mila is scared of getting hurt and that is a legitimate fear. It's easy to fall and get hurt or run across the wrong animal at the wrong time. But, I think that's part of the fun. It's an adventure. You're apt to come back with little scratches, bug bites, or sunburn. It makes it a little more exciting and you feel like you did something fun rather than "got in your cardio." You can't just go on autopilot and run like you can on a treadmill, track, or your everyday road route. You have to pay attention to foot placement and your surroundings. Jamming out to your music could cause you to miss an important rattle or moo. Like I said, it's a chance to adventure and be more connected to nature. I think all of that also gives us an excuse to slow down. And, an excuse to slow down is always welcome.
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