Hi. I'm Chris. This is me:
OK so that's maybe not the best pic to start off a running blog. Here's another shot during the same run:
OK so that's maybe not the best pic to start off a running blog. Here's another shot during the same run:
Anyway, that's me running in the 2014 Carrabba's 1/2 marathon relay. I recently did a practice "lecture" on running and its benefits. I had to cut many parts of what I wanted to say, which had already been pared down considerably. The presenter that followed me started talking about creative outlets, pointed right at me, and told me that I should start a running blog. So.... here it is. My first shot at a running blog. I'm not 100% sure where I'll go with this just yet. 2016 has brought on a lot of changes. One of the main ones is moving from San Antonio, Texas to San Angelo, Texas. Sure it's only about 200 miles and the climate is very similar. But it is a world apart in what I've found for running so far. Granted, I have only been here for 3 weeks. One of my challenges will be finding quality running locations. I have already discovered that the area around my apartment won't work. The state park a few miles down the road has 60 miles of trails! and many rattlesnakes! and mountain lions! and costs $7 each time I enter. I will definitely use the park while training for trail races, just not often. Not only will be running trails be a challenge, a running partner will be a challenge. My wife runs with me occasionally. I love it, but we often have different goals. She has no desire to run more than a 5k (let's be honest, I'm stoked she ever has the desire to run a 5k) and I've got a goal of finishing a 100 Miler within the next 3-5 years. I had a great training group full of friends and fun in San Antonio. They're irreplaceable but I'll have to look for something.
Another big change is my eating and training philosophy. At least, I'm going to try. I've been following Mark Sisson's books on the Primal Diet for 21 days now. I'm down 8 pounds and feeling good! Haven't grown back any hair yet though. Tomorrow starts my adherence to not only the primal style of eating while training (I've been resting since the 21 March Prickly Pear 50K and have probably only run 50k since then) and tying it in with Dr. Phil Maffetone's style of "less is more" training philosophy. I have my first MAF test tomorrow and am interested to see how that goes. (45 minutes without letting your heart rate go into anaerobic. My max, according to Maffetone's formula, is 153.) I'll let you know how it goes!
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