The long run. It's a staple of any distance training plan. The runner is building themselves up for that big goal race bit by bit. As I'm writing this blog, I'm also using it as an opportunity to learn myself. I'm not about to say that I'm an expert on, well, much of anything. Writing a running blog when you're not an expert can be dangerous to the readers or it can be taken as a chance to learn. I'm going for option #2, talking about my experiences while trying to learn and relaying what I learn. In today's research, I came across as article by Greg McMillan about the long run. In it, he admits that some of his views are a bit controversial. However, at the end of the article, I read that the "controversial" parts of his article involve not ingesting tons of calories during the run. Funny thing is, that matches perfectly with what I'm trying to do with this primal diet and training plan. In his article, McMillan specifies two type...