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Showing posts from February, 2021

The best race of 2020 (Family Reunion Virtual 5k)

 It's been almost a year since my last post  and what a year 2020 has been.  It would be an understatement to write that it's been eventful but that's what I'm going with.  There are a multitude of reasons that I haven't written, but more than a few that bring me back to the keyboard.  Not the least of which is a package my grandma (paternal) sent me the other day.  My grandpa (maternal) was an editor and columnist for the Flint Journal for many years.  He passed away when I was just a couple years old, so my best way of getting to know him has been through the saved columns.  A while back someone in the family (there are many suspects to choose from if you know the McHale family) got the idea to put together a sort of "greatest hits" collection of his columns and turn it into a book.  I've owned a copy for years now and have read through it more than a couple times.  That's how I've come to know Grandpa Terry and even my mom, aunts, and...