I know that this blog is "supposed" to be about running. Truthfully I haven't felt like writing a whole lot about running as much lately. That's why the number of entries has dropped a bit. No, nothing's wrong, just nothing much new or exciting is going on in my life in terms of running. It's A-OK. I know that I'll still mostly focus on running, but UFC 241's results got me thinking of an old blog I wrote for in 2014. I included all time rankings for a few MMA weight classes before we shut the blog down. Here's my old logo though: I'll be honest, I don't know a whole lot about the history of women's MMA or about some of the smaller weights contested in Asia. (Michelle Waterson notwithstanding) Fight Matrix has 35 women on their all time open weight rankings and I only recognize about 20 of the names. So, unfortunately, I'm not really going to be able to give full listings if I break them out into weight classes. What I...