Our running club here in San Angelo is the San Angelo Road Lizards. However, we seem to find ourselves more on the trails than the roads. One of the most popular race(s) on the San Angelo calendar is the Crazy Desert Trail Race put on by Trail Racing Over Texas (TROT). photo credit: Trail Racing Over Texas It includes the longest races in the area and attracts runners from all over the state. I did the 5k two years ago , coming in 2nd overall, and the 1/2 marathon (that measured around 15 miles) last year. The courses all start and finish on the north side of the San Angelo state park and the longer races get into longhorn territory. Whereas longhorns are fairly docile, it's a good thing we didn't mingle with the bison in the park. I originally signed up for the 1/2 again this year after I decided I'd just take it easy and simply run for the enjoyment for the time being. However, my friends Dennis, Jon, and Cody are bad influences and, over t...