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Showing posts from July, 2018

Take 'er easy

"My sport is your sport's punishment."  A quote that someone recently posted in the Road Lizards Facebook group.  I think that plays into the negative feeling that some people have of the sport and even can lead to negative training habits.  Many new runners or those "just getting that cardio in" fitness folks often believe that the only way to run is a hard run.  They'll go do a few miles at max effort and come back exhausted.  I think that's part of the reason why you see people with impressive physiques struggling during a 5k. Most training miles should be easy miles.  It sounds counterproductive to many new runners.  If I want to get faster, I should work hard all the time, right? We all laud athletes that outwork their opponents.  Guys like Jordan are revered for their legendary work ethic.  However, this mentality simply doesn't work in running.  Believe me, I've had my share of "scoldings" from Terri for going too fast.  It...

Charge of the Eagles

One mile, then another mile, and another mile onward, All around the U S of A Ran the thousands. "Forward, Eagles! Charge to celebrate freedom!" we said. Into the American heartland ran the thousands. So, Tennyson I am not.  Sorry Mila, there's no lordship in my future.  Odd that a British poet immediately came to mind when thinking about a celebration of US veterans.  Does that make me a loyalist?  I sure hope not.  I'd have some splainin' to do at work. The Team RWB Eagle Charge took place yesterday, on the 4th.  It's sponsored by Wal-Mart and proceeds go to Team RWB veterans outreach and assistance programs.  (For my 2016 write up about Team RWB when I'd first joined the group, please  see here. )  Last year, over 1700 Eagles charged at 67 locations around the country and we got a pretty cool shirt.   Just as last year, our local San Angelo chapter decided to use the Christoval VFD Firecracker 5k for our ...