If you happened to hear that song wafting through downtown Fort Worth last Sunday around 7:30 am, that was me. Sorry. Actually, no I'm not. It's a great song to remind you what you should be doing at mile 2 of a marathon. OK, clarification. Not the entire song. just those 5 words actually. The rest of the song, well... that's for other things. And yes, it WAS the Biebs (Beebs/Biebz?) version. but of course. So, Cowtown came on the 25th of February and, as I've detailed in this blog , my training hadn't been going to plan. I had hoped that we would have a large, cohesive group reminiscent of my TnT or Carrera days . That didn't turn out. Justin and I met up once and I met Keerthana on a run, but it was a lot of me alone on the long runs. I lost interest and motivation a bit but added a good amount of strength training. Mila and I hit the gym a couple of times a week and added bodyweight core ...