What a trail run! I've written about how fun trail runs are before, but last night's was the epitome of San Angelo trail running for me. It was the San Angelo Road Lizards Christmas Light Run. Now, I don't know if that's an annual thing or something that Kent thought up but that's how it went. Out of the seven of us, only two didn't have lights. Yeash... I was one of the bah humbugs so I had to tuck in with the more well-lit runners of the group. Kent being festive Photo Credit: Dennis Hall I've been in a bit of a funk the last couple of weeks, not really wanting to run. Looking at some of the civilians at work with the giant guts in envy. "If only I could just stop caring about the shape I'm in." I had to talk myself into heading out the door. That being said, I don't think I ever remember regretting going for a run. I never seem to come back thinking "Man, I shouldn't have done that." With that in mind, I...