Looking back on the posts I've written over the past year, I'd say that there is a common theme in my blog. It's been unintentional but, really, unsurprising. Running is rarely about using your legs to quickly power yourself from one point to another. Whether it be a personal challenge, time with friends, or a way to explore an area, running (for most recreational runners) means something more. I'm sure that I'll continue this theme for as long as I keep rolling on this blog. I already have some partially thought out entries based on MMA analyst Robin Black's thoughts on fighting. There's only so much you can write on tempo runs, time splits, and the technique of running. Plus, it's not like I'm the expert on those things. Yesterday was a prime example of "running is not just about the actual run." Across the nation was the Run As One, hosted by Team Rubicon ( teamrubiconusa.org ), Team RWB ( teamrwb.org ), and Mission Continues ( ...