I didn't run track in high school. I've probably written that in here once or twice but people are often surprised when they meet me as "that guy that runs a lot." My junior year of high school some guys I knew on the track team asked me to come out, as I was the fastest non-varsity letter winner in gym class. So, I was the fastest not good athlete. I took a hard pass on that. I did go to a few of Andy's meets and even watched Scott try his hand at the pole vault. (Pause to imagine that) But, it really wasn't until I started running a lot that I started paying attention to the wilder world of track. My DVR is set to constantly seek out track and field meets. I paid particular attention to the lead up to the 2016 Rio Olympics and I plan on making the trek to Hayward Field sometime in the next couple of years to watch the NCAA finals and maybe the 2020 Olympic Trials if I'm lucky. I have already mentioned trac...