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Showing posts from July, 2016

Running Samurai pt. 1

"If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in all things." - Miyamoto Musashi Yes, I'm opening with a quote from a 17th century samurai.  Yes, it's a quote you might recognize if you watch a lot of UFC broadcasts or have listened to the Joe Rogan Experience over the last few years.  After Rogan yelling it at me for years, I went out and bought The Book of Five Rings.  Much like Sun Tzu's Art of War, the book was written for warriors but has been adapted to fit the needs of the 21st century world. The way that I have personally interpreted that quote is in constant learning.  The things that we learn in parts of our lives can often transfer to other aspects.  That is, if we see the Way broadly. "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." - Steve Prefontaine If you plug that quote into the Google machine, you'll see plenty of blogs centered on this ile famous "running" quote.  Pre was one of the most quotable ath...

Race Happy Too!

Remember when I said that we shouldn't take out training too seriously You'll Never Get Out Alive! ? Or when I said that we should enjoy our runs  Yes! Positive Energy! ? Beyond that and beyond normal running, I want to get into different types of races/running.  This will end up being something I'll circle back on, but today I want to go to the type of race that's closely related to "normal" for most of us - theme races. Most 5ks have some sort of theme, fun name, and/or charity that they're donating to.  A true theme race, to me, also involves the participants.  They dress the part.  The decorations all feed into the theme as well.  The whole race ties together in more than just another run, but an experience. Over the weekend, I paced Mila during Free-Da's Run, a 5k celebrating Frida Kahlo put on by Huarache Turbo, and more specifically Ceci. Huarache Turbo is a San Antonio shirt printing and race promotion company.  I've had multiple ...

Just Tri-ing it out before I buy it

Peter, Alex, and Klock have been bugging me for over a year now to try a tri.  They haven't quite convinced me yet but I have added an occasional bike ride into my training this year.  If my lunch was at a different time, I'm sure I could be talked into doing some laps during lunch too.  Not right now, but maybe later.  I don't know.  I think a tri is in my future, but I don't have any definite plans for one as of yet. This weekend's race was the Lake Nasworthy Beginners Triathlon put on by the San Angelo Road Lizards.  As with other races here in San Angelo, I decided to volunteer instead of compete as I'm still in that "building" phase of training.  This was the first time that I'd ever even watched a triathlon, much less been at one. Show time was 0600 and, to my surprise, Team RWB showed up in force. I'll be honest, I wasn't much help during the first part of the morning.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that I got in the way mor...