It's just visiting, really. While I'm in San Angelo searching for running partners, I'm not about to forget about the San Antonians that I've run with over the past couple of years. That said, every time I get a chance to run with them, I'm going to take it. This weekend we have a birthday party on Saturday night. For sure, I'm going to crawl out of bed at 0600 the next morning to run through my favorite spot in San Antonio. Especially since, you know, Anne invited so many people to come with us and Ryan would probably mope around for a few weeks if I didn't. I'm starting this post Saturday morning while still in San Angelo. Mila's doing her ab workout, I'm doing push ups every 15 minutes, drinking San Angelo coffee ( , really good stuff you guys) from a mug made by a local artist, and watching the Poland vs Switzerland match go into OT. All that, and I'm excited about getting up stupid early on a Sunday and sweatin...